An Intro to the 52 Week Project

Happy New Years friends.

I’m not one for new years resolutions, but I’m all about growth, and challenging myself, and chasing after things that make my heart feel so full. In the chaos and busyness of full time freelance, I thing I lost sight of the joy I find in just documenting my own little family. A sweet friend reminded me to slow down and just soak it all in. That this was what it was about after all: just the love of it.

This year I am challenging myself to take one photo a week with the hope of capturing the beating heart of our family and daily life. I want to document my sweet babies as they grown and bloom. For this project, I’m asking myself questions like “what do I want my kids to remember one day?” “How do I want these images to feel?” “What story am I telling with this?”

There is magic in the every day. In the simple moments, at home with them.